In a groundbreaking move, the Enugu State Government, led by Governor Peter Mbah, has approved the Enugu State Climate Policy and Action Plan (ESCPAP), making it the first sub-national government in Nigeria to adopt a comprehensive long-term climate strategy.
This innovative plan includes emissions modeling, micro energy audits, and extensive stakeholder engagement.
Additionally, the State Executive Council has approved the Enugu State Off-Grid Electrification (OGE) policy strategy, aimed at expanding electricity access to unserved and underserved communities. This strategy leverages distributed renewable energy solutions to foster economic growth and enhance public service delivery.
The Secretary to the State Government (SSG), Prof. Chidiebere Onyia, made the announcement following the State Executive Council meeting over the weekend. He was joined by the Commissioner for Environment and Climate Change, Prof. Sam Ugwu, and the Commissioner for Finance and Economic Development, Dr. Nathaniel Uramah.
Prof. Onyia highlighted that the ESCPAP reflects the Mbah administration’s commitment to balancing economic transformation with environmental sustainability, innovation, inclusiveness, and climate resilience. He emphasized that the plan would ensure key sectors, including agriculture, energy, and natural resources, are climate-resilient and future-proofed against environmental challenges.
According to the government, the ESCPAP is a pioneering effort to promote clean energy development, stimulate job creation, and advance green technologies.
“Enugu State began designing this policy eight months ago, conducting surveys and analyzing data from various instruments,” Prof. Onyia explained. “The resulting action plan will be crucial in driving economic growth, particularly in job creation. We anticipate creating 792,000 jobs in renewable energy, waste management, and reforestation by 2060.”
This forward-thinking approach positions Enugu as a leader in climate action and sustainable development in Nigeria.